Charlevoix’s electric car chargers see growing popularity


Charlevoix's Hotel Earl is one of two locations in Charlevoix with electric car charging stations.

CHARLEVOIX — In Charlevoix, there are only a handful of publicly accessible electric car charging stations, however, the operators of the few that do exist report regular use year-round.

Realizing their increasing popularity, the city announced the expected June installation of two new electric car charging stations as part of the infrastructure improvement projects in the Mason Street parking lot behind Hoop Skirt Alley.  

Even in the winter, the City of Charlevoix's electric car charging station gets regular use.

“This gives another reason for folks who are visiting or going to be in town for a while to come downtown. Ideally, while they are charging their vehicle, they are shopping, they are enjoying our town, they are visiting our restaurants and generally enjoying everything we have to offer,” said Charlevoix City Manager Mark Heydlauff. 


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