RICHMONDVILLE — Four new electric vehicle chargers are now available in Richmondville at Mirabito convenience store. The set of chargers are the second set in New York as part of the U.S. Federal Highway Administration’s National Electric Vehicle Infrastructure (NEVI) program.
The site is located at 1168 NY-7 in town.
NEVI was enacted to build charging stations along major highways in order to ease long-distance journeys, encourage electrifying transportation and reducing greenhouse gas emissions.
“With the U.S. Federal Highway Administration’s support and the collaboration of the private sector, we are leading the transition to zero-emission travel and serving as a model for other states looking to reduce their carbon footprints,” said Justin E. Driscoll, the New York Power Authority president and CEO.
New York will receive a total of $175 million in NEVI funds over five years. The first installment of approximately $20 million expanded the states’s EVolve NY network of chargers in tandem with the NEVI fund’s mission.
The first NEVI site opened in Kingston in December and a third is slated for Essex county in the spring. Richmondville’s installation is the fifth EVolve NY site in addition to being the second site bolstered by NEVI funds.
“This milestone shows how together state and federal resources allow more residents and visitors to access charging which in turn encourages drivers to embrace clean cars that reduce emissions and air pollution,” said Doreen M. Harris, New York State Energy Research and Development Authority president and CEO.
New York State currently hosts 1,350 public fast chargers at 326 locations, according to the U.S. Deptartment of Energy Alternative Fuels Data Center. The chargers range in speed from 25 kW to 350 kW, which equates to varying charging times.
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