Reading City Hall gets electric vehicle charging stations | Berks Regional News


READING, Pa. – It’s technology Reading wants everyone to eventually have the opportunity to use.

“We have just installed, or in the process of installing, our first two EV chargers at city hall,” said Bethany Ayers Fisher, Reading’s sustainability manager.

Fisher said the city is applying for grant funding for additional charging stations.

She said the city is also working on identifying where to put public stations.

Fisher recently met with multiple entities.

“We all work together to present some information about energy efficiency programs and also how to get solar and EV charging financed for companies,” said Fisher.

Attendees also test drove new electric vehicles.

“This is going to be an ongoing program and partnership with City of Reading public works and our partners, as we are learning new information,” said Fisher.

She said they are also getting guidance through the Inflation Reduction Act and looking at how the city can install more infrastructure for EV charging.

“Just like the canopy that’s behind us,” said Fisher.

She said that canopy produces energy for charging stations. It is something she said the city is looking at possibly putting in the Cedar Street lot.

“The main purpose is how are we going to save money? How are we going to pollute less and how are we going to become more energy secure?” said Fisher.


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